The New Results-Driven Press Release
The Press Release as part of the marketing mix is a powerful communication vehicle that carries your message to the new media. It provides useful information for the media to create stories and disseminate in-depth information about your business. Today's technology driven, fast passed news media requires implementation of vertical marketing that utilizes the new media tactics within press releases, which include key words, tagging, Digg, RSS feeds, hyper links, SEO, EON, etc. This effectively bridges the traditional i.e., print with new media/ online, web and interactive. These new communications tactics extend the reach of the initial public relations and marketing communications content beyond the original massage life cycle-now known as 'Social Media.' . CJC Strategists also employs the latest distribution tactics, such as those of the Smart News Release, where text, photos, motion and sound are presented in an attractive, user-friendly package. This format creates easy placement of your release into newsroom systems, consumer portals, news sites, industry and multimedia RSS icon feeds, increasing your changes of pickup and extending coverage of your newsworthy item.
We deliver these high tech news releases with as much impact as possible. One such way is via our uniquely designed communication service that enables us to segment, quantify and track responses to yield as much useful information as possible.
In addition to traditional tracking methods, we are able to track open and click through rates (CTR) as well as analyze interest levels. This gives us and you a clear priority system to follow through with the most-hot prospects and effectively concentrate our messaging to the most interested multi-channel news outlets.